



E-mail: baizs@ecust.edu.cn





研究方向为分离过程强化新技术与装备,针对乳化多相体系及离子杂质深度脱除的难题,系统探索、拓展了绿色高效的分离理论和相应技术体系,从基础研究、技术创新到应用转化,取得了一系列成果。共主持973计划青年项目、国家自然科学基金等科研课题50余项,研究成果被行业标准(HG/T 5636HG/T 5640)采纳,参与编写《碳四烷基化技术》专著一部,获得2021年中国石油和化学工业优秀出版图书一等奖。先后获得2019年中国石化科技进步一等奖(排名第4)2019年上海市科学技术奖青年科技杰出贡献奖、2018年中国青年科技奖、2015年上海市技术发明一等奖(排名第1)2007年上海市科技进步一等奖(排名第1)。入选青年长江、973计划青年首席科学家、优青、首批青拔等国家级人才计划。近五年,以第一/通讯发表SCI收录论文37篇,1篇学术论文入选第五届中国科协优秀科技论文(全国97篇,化学工程仅此一篇),成为2021年度中国化工学会会刊高被引论文;授权中外发明专利22件,其中专利转让6件。注重基础研究与工程应用的密切结合,研究成果应用在50余项重要工程。





[1] 非均相分离与传递

[2] 流体机械内的流体力学行为

[3] 液滴-液滴、液滴-气泡之间相互作用;液滴形变机制;液-液、液-固界面行为


[1] 973计划青年科学家专题:废水中污染物强化传递分离的关键问题,2014-2018,负责人

[2] 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金:废水资源化,2014-2016,负责人

[3] 上海市基础研究重点项目:高效环隙式离心萃取混合及调控机理研究,2013-2015,负责人

[4] 国家自然科学基金青年基金:环隙式液-液离心萃取强化传质过程湍流控制机理研究,2012-2014,负责人





  1. Yan Zhang, Shenglin Yan, Xiaoyong Yang, Zhishan Bai*. Hydrodynamics and morphologies of droplets coalescence on fiber. AIChE Journal, 2022, 17332719

  2. Shenglin Yan, Yan Zhang, Chong Peng, Xiaoyong Yang, Yuan Huang, Zhishan Bai*, Xiao Xu. Oil droplet movement and micro-flow characteristics during interaction process between gas bubble and oil droplet in flotation. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2021

  3. Zhiwen Chen, Xiaoyong Yang, Bingjie Wang, Jian Dai, Zhishan Bai*. Adhesion behavior of oil droplets on solid surface with different wettability and inclined angle in water[J]. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. 2021. 1950547.

  4. Bin Zhang, Bingjie Wang*, Shenglin Yan, Zhishan Bai, Ziqiang Hu, Zhaojin Lu. CFD-DEM coupling simulation of fixed bed reactor with small diameter ratio. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. 2021,42(12): 1747-1755

  5. Bingjie Wang, Jin Xuan, Xiaoyong Yang, Zhishan Bai*. Synergistic DFT-guided design and microfluidic synthesis of high-performance ion-imprinted biosorbents for selective heavy metal removal. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2021, 626: 127030

  6. Shenglin Yan, Yan Zhang, Xiaoyong Yang, Yuan Huang, Zhishan Bai*, and Xiao Xu. Interfacial behavior and internal microflow of an oil droplet during the process of the oil droplet covering a gas bubble: without and with NaCl. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 2021, 60 (16), 6006–6015

  7. Zhaojin Lu, Xiaoyong Yang, Bingjie Wang, Hui Li, Zhishan Bai*. Coalescence-adsorption coupling treatment instead of alkaline washing-water washing process for efficient removal of sulfuric acid and sulfates. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2021, 151, 311-323

  8. Shenglin Yan, Xiaoyong Yang, Zhishan Bai *, Xiao Xu, Hualin Wang. Drop attachment behavior of oil droplet-gas bubble interactions during flotation. Chemical Engineering Science. 2020, 233, 115740, 1-8

  9. Tao Tian, Zhishan Bai*, Bingjie Wang*, Shenghao Zhao, Yong Zhang. Facile fabrication of polyacrylic acid functionalized carboxymethyl chitosan microspheres for selective and efficient removal of Ni(II) from multicomponent wastewater. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2020, 597, 124676, 1-13


网页发布时间: 2019-05-16